
Chocolate Anyone?

chocolate hearts

I LOVE chocolate!

As a mom of six, chocolate is a must-have in my house 😉 I confess, I do enjoy “indulging in moderation.” I have my 65-75% dark chocolate stash in my kitchen cupboard up high in a bowl that no one ever uses! 🙂

Did you know that chocolate can be good for you when eaten in moderation? It has antioxidants, flavonoids, and flavanois. It has been linked to benefiting your heart and brain, and aiding in controlling blood sugar (more info). The darker, the better.



But did you know many chocolate treats out there are not gluten-free? Some contain “barley malt,” wheat, or other gluten-derived additives. Who knew?



grocery store

I remember grocery shopping one day and I overheard a couple talking by the candy isle. They were desperately looking for some all-natural,  gluten-free chocolate as they rattled off the long lists of ingredients in multiple chocolate treats. It is amazing the things that are added to chocolate! They had no idea that “barley malt” was a gluten-derived product. I’m so glad I was there to help out. When I was a gluten-free newbie, I had no idea barley malt was gluten and I ended up with my fair share of stomach aches!

If you are in the mood for some GOOD FOR YOU kind of chocolate, my wonderful friend at Living Clean and Fit has has the answer for you. She reviewed multiple chocolate bars and provides you with some good recommendations and tips! Check out how you can feel good eating chocolate!

J.O.Y.Full Mommy
J.O.Y.Full Home

home where heart is 2

12 thoughts on “Chocolate Anyone?”

  1. My sweet lady, how you make me want to get into my husband’s chocolate stash that he thinks is hidden from me. Muah-ha-haaaa!!! LOL How are you? I hope full of so many blessing that they are coming out of your ears…lol Don’t mind my silliness, I just wanted to stop by and wish you a night full of restful sleep, because you so deserve it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Girl, can I tell you that you just made my night!!! God knows when I need a little laugh from a sweet friend! I am doing well and smiling from your message. I have been running solo this week. Your silliness came just at the perfect time. A restful sleep is exactly what I am hoping for tonight. You are so precious to me. Thank you for stopping by and for sharing some girl time with me! I hope you get some rest too. You deserve it my friend. You made my heart smile. Blessings and BIG HUGS!


      1. Happy Birthday to your sweet baby girl! You go girl, taking care of them babies, don’t forget to take care of yourself, don’t want you to burn out. I’m glad I can return the favor, your blog is a happy place to those that read it! Sweet Dreams! (Bear hug)

        Liked by 1 person

        1. You are getting all sentimental, girl…aw shucks! Thanks for your sweet words my friend. I love it when you come by for a visit and fill me up with all kinds of sweetness. Thanks for the birthday wishes. Sweet dreams and a hug right back to you. P.S. Unfortunately, I did burn out so soon I will be sending out my recipe for wellness tea…lol! Blessings!


          1. Ha! I ate a lot of sugar today, so if I figured if I pass on the sweetness, it’ll burn some extra calories…lol Woohoo! Wellness tea…I need some of that. Get better soon!

            Liked by 1 person

          2. I hope you overdosed on some dark chocolate…at least there are added benefits…lol! Thanks for sharing the calories…I mean sweetness. Ha ha. I’m drinking some wellness tea right now so I can get through the next day! Thanks again my friend!


  2. Oh wow! Thank you for the shout out!

    I eat chocolate almost every day! I agree with Camie! It is it’s own food group. haha! And if it’s the right kind of chocolate you don’t have to fall off the “clean eating” wagon by indulging every day.


  3. I consider chocolate its own food group! Whenever I’m moody my husband runs out and buys me chocolate! I love dark chocolate. I’ll be sure to check out your friend’s tips.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What a good husband!!!! It sure is nice to have someone care enough to give you the very best 😉 I hope everyone is doing well. I am enjoying your posts. Hope you are enJOYing your summer. Before we know it, school will be back in session (although we are doing some summer school…!) Thanks for stopping by my friend. Blessings.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Oh Camie, that is so wonderful! I am so happy for you. That is such precious time. May God Bless your time together. My youngest just turned one and I feel like the time is already going by so fast. My oldest is taller than me now and I have to get on my tippy toes to hug him (sniff sniff). I am thankful to God for all the blessings, joys, trials, and challenges that make me stronger each day. Blessings to you and your family!


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