Essential Oils, Food for the Soul, Health and Wellness

Can It Be? My Happy Son…

unmotivated child

My 11-year old son has trouble sleeping. He would be up past midnight sometimes frustrated because he could not sleep. And when he did get to sleep, he didn’t sleep well. During the day he would be moody, short, and lack motivation. Lack of sleep affects moods, concentration, and overall health. And when he is not happy, NO ONE IS HAPPY.

We have tried many different things like diet, melatonin, and other natural options. While we got some great results, he still wasn’t sleeping well. So, about a month ago, I bought a diffuser for his room when Young Living had their diffuser promotion. I filled the diffuser, added 2 drops of Cedarwood and 2 drops of Orange and let it run in his room at night, EVERY night. Both Cedarwood and Orange are known for their calming properties. Within a week, I could see a huge change in his ability to concentrate on his school work AND he woke up in a better mood. Sometimes he would be up before I went to wake him up and he would be smiling! This has been a milestone for us in helping him achieve emotional health. And guess what, one month later he is up EARLY, done with most of his school work, in a GOOD mood, smiling, talking to me, and experimenting with a new breakfast recipe as I write this post. 

For me, this is a tear-jerker moment. It has been YEARS and YEARS since I have seen my son in such a good mood. Both my husband and I are enjoying his smiles, his quirky remarks, and his determination to do better in homeschool (and he does NOT like school). When I got down on my knees praying for wisdom, God provided. Whenever I hit a wall with anything I face and I don’t know what direction to go, and I feel like giving up, I know that when I get down on my knees God brings an answer. Sometimes it is someone crossing my path with words of wisdom just at the right time or an idea I would have never thought of is placed on my heart. For us, Young Living essential oils have been an answer to prayer in so many different ways. God is faithful.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6

oh happy day

I have been using Young Living essential oils for over two years for me and my family and We LOVE them. From my skeptical husband now looking up which oils to use for different things to my happy son, these oils have been life changing for us and the many families that we have been blessed to help. I love the purity of them and they work wonders. When I see others struggling in many of the ways we have in our family, my heart just cries for them and I want to help. I have a passion for helping others learn more about essential oils. When you learn how to use them safely and effectively, you open the doors to discovering all the amazing ways essential oils work to help support your body naturally.

I would be so blessed to help you on your journey to achieving health and wellness. Take a moment to explore my essential oils section with DIY recipes, our testimony, free e-course and more.  

If you have been thinking about or wanting to learn more about essential oils,  leave me a comment or contact me directly at

I would LOVE to hear from you. 

Let’s Talk

Do you use essential oils? What is your favorite blend and why?


free woman

8 thoughts on “Can It Be? My Happy Son…”

  1. Love this. My favorite oils to diffuse at night are Lavender and Peppermint, which is kind of strange since Peppermint is an uplifting oil. But I’m not complaining, we get awesome night’s sleep! We also dust our pillows with Sleepy Spray, a blend my upline put together consisting of Lavender, Cedarwood and Orange. Love it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, it have heard people who use peppermint at night and it works for them. That is the beautiful thing about these oils. When you are in tune with your body, you know what works. That sleepy spray sounds good. I have a rollerball with a similar combination including Lavender, Cedarwood, and Vetiver. Great for my boys. Thank you so much for visiting. I love hearing how other people use their oils and how awesome they are to use daily. Keep it up! Your body with thank you for it! Blessings!

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