Food for the Soul

Praise HIM Through the Storm

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4

We often associate the trials we experience in life as God punishing us for something wrong we did. Indeed, we have consequences to face for the things we do, but trials aren’t always God pouring out His wrath upon us. Sometimes the trials we face are God’s way of testing our faith. It is easy to praise Him in the good times, but what about in the storms? Will we still praise Him?

teddy bear in rain
“I will praise YOU through this storm”

Last week, I experienced some crazy trials. It was difficult for me emotionally and by Friday, I was so overwhelmed, sad, betrayed, broken, weary, struck down, and at the end of my rope. I prayed and prayed and it was still raining on me. I knew that God was with me, but it was so hard to reach up to Him when I was in the middle of a storm. I knew I had to persevere through it but every time I would get up, I would get smacked down. But I still continued to pray and pray and pray as the rain poured down on me (boy…was that hard).


summit-crossBy Friday, I called on one of my prayer warriors to come along side me and pray. Just knowing someone else was praying for me, no questions asked, was comforting. I just kept thinking “Joy comes in the morning.” By my bedside that night, I prayed. For every negative thing that happened that week that broke me, I thanked God for it and thanked Him specifically for how it made me grow. I submitted to God, resisted the devil, and asked God to draw near to me because Satan had NO authority in my home! (See ya wouldn’t want to be ya!)

By morning, the storm cloud had dissipated, the sun was shining, and God delivered a big dose of JOY to my morning. My heart was healed, my home was back in order, and my chaotic JOYFull life was back in full swing. When I looked back on the week and pondered on the course of events, I can see that when I stepped out in faith to do what God called me to do, I experienced trials. That, my friends, is pure JOY!

praise him

Obedience to God + (Trials x Perseverance) = PURE JOY


It may sound crazy, but this equation seems to be my life. When I say “yes” to God, on my journey I experience crazy trials. But when I persevere through them, on the other end is PURE JOY!  Through my trials, God has made me complete, not lacking anything. What a JOY it is to be doing God’s will and seeing God’s faithfulness when the enemy tries to steal, kill, and destroy. I love it when God shows up!


When you are in the midst of a storm, are you able to praise God through it? Do you go through it alone or do you ask others to pray for you? If you don’t have a prayer warrior standing in the gap for you, would you consider finding someone who will always be there for you for prayer, no questions asked?

father son


19 thoughts on “Praise HIM Through the Storm”

  1. Sorry you had such a yucky week, buy so glad it got better for you! I have been working on praying… I tend to be very independent and stubborn so I do things alone, but I always tend to come across beautiful people that end up paying for me without me asking. I am a blessed girl. .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! You are a blessed girl and you are a beautiful creation in Christ Jesus. I have a 15-minute power prayer that may be perfect to jump start your prayer life! I know with a new baby it can be very hard which is why I put together this prayer. I had no time but I yearned for that time independent time with God. May you be blessed my friend. Thank you for visiting me. I am always so happy to hang out with you. Blessings.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. So you are the ONE!!! I was struggling with writing this and I was wondering why I just couldn’t get the words out. I deleted, walked away, started, stopped, started, stopped, gave up, prayed and then sat down in the wee hours of the morning and cranked it out! I told my husband “I don’t know why I had such a hard time with this one. There must be someone out there that really needed to read this.” I just got chills and teary eyed. I love it when God shows up. Thanks for reading this and allowing God to minister to your heart. I will be praying for you. Blessings.

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      1. Thank you❤️ I appreciate your blog post as well as your prayers more than you know. There is nothing catastrophic going on in my life, but nothing seems to be going “right” if that makes any sense. I tend to shy away from “God Blogs” -please, please do not take that as an insult-I am a card carrying Episcopalian-I just don’t wear it on my sleeve. For some reason, today, I did not shy away. Your blog just spoke to me and I needed it-so I seriously thank you. I’m 4 hours from home (Atlanta, GA) in Murfreesboro, TN with my husband and our oldest child, age 17, at a college audition. When we arrived, (I read your post when we were still in the car) I got off my butt and went to the fitness center because I knew it would make me feel better. I came back to the room and showered and am getting down to business with my backed up Blogging 101 assignments. If you read my blog, I will come across as a pure T heathen-my language is horrific. My behavior, nowadays at least ;), is not. Thank you again. You spoke to me. I will keep coming back and I look forward to it.


        1. No offense taken at all! What matters is that you are here and I am so thankful for that. I totally get it when nothing is going right. I know the Joy that comes when things finally get back to normal…His normal. I am so excited about what God is going to do in your life. Keep persevering through this season. Keep praying through it. Keep me posted. I love it when God shows up. Thank you so much for sharing your heart. You have truly touched my heart and given me that encouragement to keep sharing. Blessings.

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          1. Thank you❤️ I am glad that somebody can see something exciting for me 🙂 I just keep putting one foot in front of the other–but I do know that I have stopped my actual prayer ritual and I have got to start it back. I think I will stop and do it right now. Wow-you have inspired me today!! I will definitely keep you posted and thank you for touching my heart! Blessings to you, too-


  2. I’m so right there with you. My most recent major storm lasted over a year, not just a week. And even now, after I’ve been able to have Joy again for 6 months, every once in a while, the same waves kick up and I just have to ride it out, trusting that God is the Captain and he’s not going to let me sink. And in the morning, whenever that morning comes -and it always does- there will be joy. Thanks for sharing.


    1. You are strong in Christ Jesus! I know those kinds of storms that last a long time. It is so hard to persevere through it. Sometimes I walk along side those that are going through storms and stand in the gap for them. I have been praying for someone in a storm for years now. The storm isn’t gone but she makes it through each day though God’s grace. She will be experiencing some PURE JOY when it comes. Praise God for making it through your long storm and for putting your trust in Him when the storms come through. Keep doing what you are doing! You are a testimony. Blessings to you.

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  3. “…we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope.” (Romans 5:3-4)
    I am thankful for my storms and I’m thankful for prayer. Lovely post!


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