Essential Oils, Food for the Soul, Health and Wellness

A Leap of Faith?

What do you do when God says "jump" and you look down and there is nothing but air? Maybe you get a little sweaty? Maybe you can't breathe? Perhaps your stomach feels a little queasy? Perhaps everything around you looks like a blur? Yup, I know that feeling! When I look back and I can't… Continue reading A Leap of Faith?

Essential Oils, Food for the Soul, Health and Wellness

From Stressed to Blessed

Wow, what a whirlwind the past year has been. The Prayer of Jabez book I have been continuously reading over and over again during my Miracle Morning and proven to me that when we ask God to increase our territory for His glory, HE WILL!  The mountains and valleys have deepened and strengthened my faith and propelled me be sensitive to listening to the prompting of the Lord.

doctor visit

In the past five months, our family experienced a couple of difficult incidents that left us emotionally and physically challenged. One incident happened just over two weeks ago and it resulted in my husband and I running to the ER with our 4-year old screaming while I held his severely damaged little thumb. When they took him back for emergency surgery, I stood outside the closed doors and cried and cried in my husband’s arms. My sweet little boy has a pin…

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Food for the Soul

Women, RISE UP!

Are you tired of the "same old same old?" Are you stuck in the same old routine in life wondering if there is something better? When my sixth child was born, I was seeking JOY in my life and that is what started this blog. And from that little seed came a great vision. I… Continue reading Women, RISE UP!

Food for the Soul, Home School

Unshakable Peace

It is crazy to think about my life just one year ago. It seems crazy to grasp the concept of unshakable peace when the world around us is constantly going. I have allowed myself to be consumed by the busyness of the world and just accept it as a way of life. After all, if… Continue reading Unshakable Peace

Food for the Soul


INSANITY=Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. *********************************************************************** I know how it feels to be stressed, overworked, tired, and overwhelmed. I know how it feels to not have periods of rest and rejuvenation. I know how it feels to have dreams that are put on the back burner waiting for the… Continue reading INSANITY re-MOVED