
joyfull charity

Our mission is to empower you with knowledge, tools, and inspiration to help you achieve abundant physical and emotional health and mental wellness through mindfulness and positive lifestyle changes. Our three-fold support system offers you wellness with a purpose. You have the opportunity to:

Experience physical wellness and overcome emotional and mental barriers in your life through mindfulness, education, support, and practical application of individualized action plans.

Receive free natural wellness and lifestyle products from Young Living as a reward for consistent commitment to prioritizing your health.

Automatically support missions and charities through your commitment to prioritizing your health.

Our family has been blessed to experience the benefits of health and wellness from Young Living Essential Oils. As a family, we have decided to make it our mission to share the JOY of health and wellness with others not only through essential oils, but also through charity and missions. Our organization is unique in that we are taking on different missions and charities and building teams under them to provide long-term funding for their projects. Our vision for our Wellness and Charity project has two parts:

  1. We are building up our organization to support multiple missions and charity with a monthly check. These monthly funds will come from people like you who purchase Young Living essential oils and products through JOYFull Inspirations. When you make a purchase, you will be placed under one of our missions so a portion of your purchases will support them directly.
  2. In addition to directly supporting missions with your purchases, we will also donate 10%* or more of our proceeds to a charity every month.

*Our ultimate goal is to be able to give 90% of our proceeds for God’s kingdom. Our prayer is to build up from 10% to 90% over the next five to ten years.

When you purchase a Premium Starter Kit, Thieves cleaning or personal care products, Ningixa Red antioxidant drink, other Young Living products through JOYFull Inspirations, a portion your dollars will be going toward helping someone, somewhere around the world. And it doesn’t stop there! EVERY TIME you place an order, a percentage of your dollars will continue to support charity and missions. So you will not only get the benefit of natural health and a chemical-free home, but you will be supporting missions at the same time.

Join me on my mission to make a difference in this world one person at a time.


The Marc Jaiden Project is a non-profit organization dedicated to eradicating vision loss in the world. Just $20 provides a vision test and glasses for a child. You have the opportunity to change a child’s life by giving them the blessing of clear vision. (You can donate directly to their mission by clicking the link above).

blessings and mercy

Blessings and Mercy  is based in Guatemala where they minister in the schools, disciple the next generation of young men, provide dental support, and so much more. You can donate directly to their mission by clicking the link for Blessings and Mercy. More to come.

Spirit-filled Blessings

Rich in Mercy

Please help us by praying and sharing our mission with others. Thank you for joining us on our mission to spread JOY to people all over the world.


Our JOYFull Oily Ministry Team

For details on what is included in the premium starter kit, discounts, my FREE gifts to you and product support, or retail accounts, click HERE.

For more information, please contact Letticia at

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