Home School

No More Mopey Mondays!!!!

MOMSchooling Moments:
Uncovering the JOYs of Homeschooling A Large Family


roller coasterHomeschooling is always an adventure for me. One moment I think I have it all together and the next it all falls apart. Some days I am on top of my game and some days I can barely keep up with all the activities of the day. I sit and wonder how I can tap into all that energy my kids burn off each day. But even through the ups and downs, I am so grateful to have the opportunity to be home to educate my six children. I may not always get it right and I may not look pretty doing it (pjs count as dress up day…right?), but there is no place I would rather be than right where I am.

unmotivated child

One challenge that has been especially difficult for me is teaching a child that is unmotivated. Every Monday morning has been a struggle. Starting the week with a rough first day not only dictates the outcomes of that day, but also the whole week. Unfortunately, my attempts to turn things around have been unsuccessful. I was depleted and frustrated, but still trying to give it my all.

In my time of weakness, I turned to my Wonderful Counselor. “Lord, give me wisdom on what to do. I will run myself ragged if things don’t change. I have tried everything but nothing is working. I know this is what you have called me to do but I am weary and tired. PLEASE Lord, help me.” (Sound familiar?) To my surprise, the Lord showed me that I was the one that needed to change. (Can I hear an AMEN?).

After a very long series of Mopey Mondays, I decided to make my Mondays more like Fridays (Thank you Lord for wisdom). I figure Mondays are harder to get back into the groove of school after having a couple days off. By Friday we are already in our groove so we might as well keep going! So now my Mopey Mondays are J.O.Y.Full! What did I do differently?


  1. I make a breakfast the kids want to jump out of bed to enJOY (anything with homemade whipped cream on top!) 
  2. I start school later than usual and I make a concerted effort to be more laid back.
  3. I have the kids work on only three core subjects (Grammar, Math, Reading and/or Spelling).
  4. We watch educational videos (1 or 2 videos on hand or rented from the library)=quiet house for a bit and some sanity for me!
  5. We sing educational jingles for memory work (singing makes the kids happy).
  6. We have art class (we use Mark Kistler’s Draw Squad -not an affiliate link)
  7.  We play educational board games.
  8. I diffuse a lot of essential oils (more than my usual) and douse myself in them too!!!

Homeschooling is filled with joys and challenges–all life changing. Homeschooling is the hardest job I have ever had to do in my life but I am having the time of my life doing it. Just like any full-time job outside the home there are days when I am eager to go to work and days I want to call in sick. There are stressful days and days where everything works out better than planned. There are days I am rewarded and days I am walked on. But in the end, who am I doing this for? Jesus.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters…Colossians 3:23

woman praising God

When you hit a rough patch in your homeschool days, what do you do to stay motivated? What have you done in the past to change things up a bit that has worked for you? Have you ever had to change your entire homeschool schedule to benefit one child?

13 thoughts on “No More Mopey Mondays!!!!”

  1. I homeschooled my youngest daughter. I admire you for homeschooling all six! There were times when I had her do her lessons at night, rather than in the morning. That seemed to break the monotony of the week.


    1. Thanks! We are off to start another Monday and I am actually looking forward to it. The kids are too! Hopefully things will go as planned or not planned :0). Hope you can apply some of these ideas. Happy Homeschooling!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey. I just found you via a comment on another blog. I notice you’re a Sabbath keeper and I am too so I decided to pop in and say hi.
    I am a tutor and have recently started working with homeschooled children. I’m sure we’ll find lots to talk about as I delve into your page so I’m going to follow you now.


    1. Thanks for stopping by! A fellow Sabbath keeper…I LOVE it! I will be stopping by to check out your site. I’m interested in your experience with homeschooled children. Pleasure meeting you. I look forward to chatting again very soon! Blessings.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I really like this! I am struggling through the past month or so. My motivation and energy have just shifted and I’m trying to figure out what to do about it. I really like how you switched it up on Mondays. I may need to try some of this!


    1. Thank you for your kind and encouraging words. I can relate to your shift in motivation. I was really in a rut and I was getting depleted by the second. Homeschooling is such a hard job and I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t have it all together every day. I try. I find trying something new helps shift things around just enough to keep the motivation going. I hope some of these ideas help you. Come back and share what worked or what new things you came up with. Blessings.


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