
Stay-at-Home Mom Gone Pro?

Stay-at-Home Mom gone pro? Well, does it have to be either or? I started this blog back in 2015 as an opportunity to communicate with people over the age of 8 (at the time I had 5 children ages 8 and under). I desperately wanted to help people who were struggling with transitioning to a gluten-free lifestyle. I had some health issues I was dealing with and a son who was struggling with multiple issues, and with celiac’s disease in the family line, we decided to came together and give up gluten. Along the way, my husband and I experienced some health benefits that still amaze us today. (Note: A gluten-free lifestyle is not for everyone and should be carefully researched and evaluated based on your needs.)

What I discovered along the way was there were so many people out in the world who needed someone to care about them. They were seeking someone to walk the journey with them and listen to them especially when they were undergoing times of uncertainty, change, and difficult transitions. So I branched out my “blog” to focus on wellness, charity, and life. That is the 30-second version of my journey.

So who am I now? I am still a stay-at-home mom now with SIX kids. I still homeschool my children. So where does the “pro” part come in? Fast forward to 2019.

I am now a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist who is passionate about promoting the natural healing capabilities of the body using essential oils and lifestyle changes as a means to achieving abundant health and wellness. My focus on strong communication skills and empathetic nature serves as an avenue for building trust and openness with my clients.

Photo by mentatdgt on Pexels.com

I have a Masters Degree in Communication. (I got this way back in the day so for those of you who feel like you wasted your time in college only to be a stay-at-home mom, I believe NO TIME IS WASTED. It just takes a little creativity to apply what we learned.) I incorporate multiple methods of communication in my wellness education and training classes. I have developed successful classes and programs including stress awareness and stress management, life balance, mindset, preventative care, immune support, natural wellness techniques, and more. I have developed wellness care plans and essential oil formulations for clients ranging from babies to seniors. (See Testimonials)

I enjoy motivating and inspiring others on their journey to abundant health. So if you like to inspire others there are many people who would embrace the opportunity to have someone who cares about them! We weren’t meant to walk this journey alone.

I am the founder and president of JOYfull Inspirations, LLC and I am also employed at Rochester Clinic where I support patients and CHIP participants with aromatherapy care and education.

I am a wife for over 18 years to my best friend and we have a FUNNITE every week (with the except of travel). I am a homeschool teacher to my six children ranging in ages from 3 to 14 years old. I am also the Challenge A director for the Rochester Classical Conversations Community. (YES, it is possible to run a business, a family, and homeschool!) We celebrate a Sabbath every week and trust God with our business, our family, and our lives.

On my self-care time, you will find me spending time with my family, sipping tea, hand lettering, or browsing Hobby Lobby or Barnes and Noble. Self-care is not an option, it is a priority!

For anyone who thinks DREAMS are for the daydreamers, think again. I always tell my children, my clients, and my team to DREAM BIG because I know our dreams start in the brain. Many of us underestimate the power of the brain and therefore we don’t use it to the full potential. I AM NOT A SUPERMOM! So how did I do it? Comment below or contact me if you want me to share the top 5 things I do daily to hack my brain. Choose JOY!

Photo by rawpixel.com on Pexels.com

Prioritize your health.

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For daily support, join my JOYFull Oily Family on Facebook for wellness tips, videos, and natural wellness support.

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JOYfull Inspirations is NOT a non-profit organization. Your donations are an opportunity to support our family, our mission, and our continued services to the others.

Like our FB page at https://www.facebook.com/JOYFullInspirations/ and share with friends.

Blessings and JOY,

Wife, Mom, and Certified Clinical Aromatherapist.

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