Food for the Soul

Don’t Wish…

Sometimes, to stay positive we just need to change the way we approach things. Having the right mindset is essential to being successful in reaching your highest potential in whatever you seek to accomplish through Christ Jesus, whether it is a homemaker, teacher, doctor, coach…whatever it is you are called to do. As I was training on Tuesday, this message was part of my experience. Then it came through my wonderful leadership group. When God runs things across my path multiple times, I stop. I listen. I pray.

This really made me step back and evaluate the things I complain about, the way I approach things, and the things I often pray for. This has really helped me change my perspective on many things in my life. Take a moment to think about the things you “wish for” and begin praying right! enJOY the journey. Be encouraged. Be blessed!


Let’s Talk

What do you think about when you read this message? Can you identify one of the three areas you can change your perspective on?

11 thoughts on “Don’t Wish…”

  1. When God sends trials our way, He wants to prove us to be overcomers! How else is a Christian to have a victory if there are no battles to win? Instead of complaining about our trials and tests, we should thank God for them as it shows His confidence in us to overcome.

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    1. AMEN! This is well said my friend. The trials truly make us stronger in our faith if we let God shape us and strengthen us in the process. He never promised us an easy ride! Blessings.


  2. Hello Joyfull Mom. Love the quote and the message of this post. For several years I looked after my elderly mother and felt angry that my siblings gave very little help, even when I became unwell. Whilst complaining in my journal one day, the Holy Spirit challenged me to look for the positives in the circumstance. I began to see the increased time spent with my mum as precious opportunities to grow closer to her whilst serving her and serving the Lord. She recently went home to be with the Lord and am I glad I had the privilege of spending quality time with her.
    As you rightly point out, having the right mindset helps us to reach our highest potential in Christ. And I would add that as children of God, becoming Christlike should be our constant and highest aim.

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    1. You are an amazing woman! I am so blessed to have you in my life. You share from the depths of your heart and that speaks to those on the same journey. I love how the Holy Spirit moves us, challenges us, and draws us closer to Him. I am learning so much on Holiness right now in my women’s group. When we are willing, there is so much God can reveal to us to help us become Christlike in every way. Like you said, “As children of God, becoming Christlike should be our constant and highest aim.” I love your visits with me. I pray for peace and balance in your life as you seek to become Christlike more and more in your life. Blessings to you my friend.

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      1. Thank you so much Joyfull Mom for your encouraging comments to me and for your prayer and good wishes, which are warmly received. Blessings to you and your lovely family.


  3. Amen. Changing our perspective is everything. Hate to sound like a redundant cliche but cup half full is key. I had to learn how to look at things from a different perspective in order to have the peace God so desperately wanted for me to have. It’s a daily challenge but with God grace nothing is impossible.

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    1. Preach it! That is so true. The enemy loves to battle with our mind and when we give God control of our mind, everything changes! With God, all things are possible. Thank you for sharing and for visiting with me tonight. I enjoyed your company. Blessings.

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